
By TBay

Drenrow Biarritz.

Or otherwise known as Ritz! This is Little Misses pony and she went off to a show today with Gemma who is kindly helping us with her. We entered her in the Mountain and Moorland small breeds over 4 yrs in hand class. She was such a little poppet and although she was not placed ( not sure why!) she was so good . All great practice for a youngster.

Most of the Tbay households are feeling a little jaded today. Mrs V survived another day at Ascot. She is so hardcore! The rest of the assembled company were all out at our neighbours farm at a fund raising event for Cystic Fybrosis . It is fair to say that the warm weather encouraged us to perhaps have the odd pint too many ! Slightly delicate members of the household this morning. Great evening very well supported So hopefully lots of money to go to the CF Trust for more research.

Mr Tbay Jnr was out the house and off raking by 9:00 am. The old adage ‘ make hay when the sun shines’ is so true.

The whole lot of us are off to Weston-super-Mare in a moment for a belated Father Day outing to see the Red Arrows. I must remember my ear plugs!!

Yesterday proved to be slightly trying! It started off with Mr Tbay and I having to return the demo tractor to Bridgwater. Tracffic was very slow all the way! Then as soon as I got back and was just about to start on my days jobs we had a call from Mr Tbay Jnr who was out turning hay to say that there had been another hydraulic pipe gone on the rake which had drained quite a lot of oil out of the system, so he needed 4 barrels of oil so he could move his tractor ! So off again and the traffic was even worse. All routes everywhere were rammed! Took ages to get to him. Then assisted in the job of putting oil in tractor. Love the new eau de parfum I was then wearing. It’s a classic. Eau de tractor oil with just a hint of undertones of freshly turned grass!

So all my jobs for yesterday were abandoned! Hey ho!

Still the sun is shining the bees are buzzing and the birds are all singing in the Tbay garden. What more could you want .....

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