Sweet dusty-bones

By sweetdustybones


First date night in over 6 months. It feels a bit wrong. I'm sure after baby one we didn't get out for at least a year and a half. Baby Boo wouldn't go to sleep without boob though. Baby Bash looks at me with a quizzing, grumpy expression if I am in a room with him at 'bed time' (what's that?!!). He grunts at me crossly until I walk out of the room, then he rolls over and goes to sleep. I find it hard to believe that two small people can be so very different. On to the date. Fab little organic restaurant round the corner. I love it. I have the pasta al forno every time. We have it as part of a tapas deal with olives, humous dips and a glass of house red. Yumsford! Anyway, this is Hubby by me and me by hubby.

In other news... I think my laptop is about to give up. It, like Baby Bashy, is grunting at me (you know, that churning, thinking sound which isn't really supposed to be ongoing). I think it wants me to go away. It doesn't like the hideous amount of Tiffs and CR2 files. I think I had better have a major clearout before uploading any more photos. Lappy is taking 10 minutes to do things that should take 2 seconds. Uh-oh.

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