Thou shalt have a fishy

I was up and in the sea for a swim at 7.30 this morning, unheard of for me to be up that early AND dunking myself in cold water.  It was wonderful.
After breakfast they had just landed the catch and various people were buying fresh fish which the fisherman then gutted for them  (extra). Sorry veggies. 
We had decided to make our way a bit further north following the coast for a while (See LooseCanon's photo) but then heading towards the Gran Sasso mountain range in Abruzzo, so we've wandered inland, a bit like a varicose vein wriggling up the calf of the boot of Italy. 
I had a job to persuade LooseCanon to come to this area , and he was all for driving straight through with just a quick glance out of the window at the mountains going by. However we arrived at the cable car which takes you quite a way up the mountain where there happens to be a handy camp site,  so we're hoping to go up there tomorrow. That still leaves us a week to get home.

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