Count Them!

Every time I read about the decline in sparrow numbers, I realise how lucky we are.  There are huge numbers around here, mostly living in our hebe hedge and costing a fortune to feed!  The idea is that if we give them seed in the front garden, they won't eat the veg in the back - ha!

As well as sparrows we regularly get lots of starlings, a couple of pairs of collared doves, a family of black birds, a wren, a robin and a dunnock.  

Busy with a rehearsal in the cathedral this afternoon, and the concert this evening, but I managed a good few hours in the garden in the morning.  It was so hot!  And lots of flies too.  But lovely to be able to spend time outside and enjoying the garden. Lots of dead heading and propping things back up again after the latest winds.

The concert was a great success.  We sang Rossini's Messe Solennelle, as part of the St Magnus International Festival, and it was a terrific sing!  Very rousing!  

I think there are thirteen birds, including the dove!

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