
By FarmerGirl

Time for a haircut

We had the shearer in this afternoon, to shear our 8 ewes. I'm sure they will appreciate all their wool gone, and will feel so much lighter and cooler, now we are getting some lovely warm weather.

I have to admire the shearer, what a terrible job to do. The ewes just wouldn't stay still, and having to deal with them moving and shearing them at the same time, is a real skill.

Tonight I have to give a speech on behalf of the School's Board of Trustees (I'm the Deputy Chairperson) at the Senior's Prizegiving. And am I nervous? You bet I am!! No, not at all! I have my speech written in large font, and in double line spacing so I can see it (you'd think I was blind!). I spent the morning looking for my high heel shoes - and what a challenge it will be wearing them, as I haven't done so for quite a few years. I must say it will be nice to dress up, and have make up on for once; makes a change from jeans and gumboots!

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