Nostalgic nosh

I am more an "Eat to live," than a, "Live to eat," kind of person, but one thing that does peek my culinary interest is a proper British style fish and chip shop. I was excited to find one in Nishinomiya called Seafood Caravan which was the subject of two blips, here and here. 

Unfortunately, that fish and chip shop is now closed, but it came to my attention that there is a very good fish and chip shop in Ashiya called The Clapham Inn, so I went to check it out today. The food was tasty but, as you can see, it was less of a fish and chip shop and more of a country pub. The emphasis was more on the beer than the food and since I don't drink alcohol that was rather lost on me. Also, you got more food for ‎¥800 at Seafood Caravan than you got for ‎¥1,400 at Clapham Inn. 

Still, I'm glad I went. The radio was tuned to Radio 1 and they were playing lots of nostalgic tracks, including, somewhat spookily, Disco 2000 which I put a link to on one of my Seafood Caravan blips. They didn't play this, but I think it's a great British pop song - one of the first singles I ever bought - and somewhat appropriate with its Clapham links.

I'll squeeze this one in

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