
Because I am in favor of total transparency and truth, I have to inform you that this is not a web cam capture taken at the actual moment that I sat down after waking up this morning and coming down to my computer to make sure that last night hadn't all been a dream. This is a recreation of that moment. How accurate it is, I am unable to say but it's likely quite close. No actor was hired for the reenactment, and last night hadn't been a dream, in fact, the victory had become even greater while I slept.

For so many reasons that others have stated very eloquently, we are very very lucky. I contemplated going out and spending the day finding scenes of the aftermath such as drifts of 'I Voted' stickers in the street gutters, lawns that are free of campaign signage, dooms day graffiti or long faces. I had other things to do but in my travels I didn't see a single long face, except the check-out clerk at Byerly's who has a long face by nature.

And why should there be long faces? If knowing that there will be no significant disruption in government due to turn-over, the prospect of a president with an iron will to do good for his country, who will get more cooperation this time from Congress by demand of the people, no sudden and irrational attack on any country, a steady recovery from some very hard times for millions of people, and that rights of minorities and women are safe for now isn't enough to make you happy, then allow me to try and sway your warped way of thinking. If I can't, you can stick that long face in the nearest manhole and stay there, with the drifts of 'I Voted' stickers.

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