Hot Dog

Luna, the Sproodle belongs to our next door neighbours and on days when A has to work for a few hours Mr T has been offering to do some dog walking and I went with them this morning.  We started off in the cool of the woods then walked down several wooden steps onto a rather overgrown path which runs alongside the river Tern where Luna raced through the long grass and then dived headlong into the river where she found sticks for us to throw in for her.  We brought a rather stinky dog home but hosed her off until she smelt a little sweeter. 

Spent the afternoon with friends who did a great BBQ.  Even after 3 years of retirement I still can't quite believe I can do such things on a weekday rather than going to work! 

My Extras today are:  Luna enjoying the River;  A pretty Damsel and a third brood of baby Sparrows being fed outside the kitchen window - not sure how they all fit in that dilapidated little next box!

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