
...with thankfulness

is anyone among you in trouble? let them pray. is anyone happy? let them sing songs of praise. james 5:13 (niv)

no matter what kind of situation - you find yourself in - it is my belief that you - should take it before the throne - be it good, bad, joyous, discouraging - the circumstances really don't matter in my mind - when you are a believer - prayer is at the cornerstone of your faith - and as this verse proclaims - if you're in trouble - pray - if you're happy - pray through songs of praise - either way, this will make our abba happy, too - and don't we all desire to have a bit - of happy in our lives

i know i long to have my prayers answered - it gives my abba great joy to do just that - yet if i don't go to him with those prayers - he won't know how to answer them - think about that the next time - you are in need - take it before his throne - let him know the desires of your heart - and see how he will answer you - i am certain that will lead to...


happy day.....

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