Choose Joy

By Energia

Socialize, it helps

I voted! Don't get excited, it was just electing the people for my party who will then run in November. 

The Supreme Court issued two very bad rulings and I was not in a good mood when I left to get lunch and see the Apple store to figure out why something wasn't working. The folks in the restaurant know me and were so nice that it cheered me a bit. Then the people at Apple were so nice that it cheered me the rest of the way. One of the guys had an enormous smile that makes you just automatically smile back. I asked if I could take his picture so I could continue to smile after I leave. 

Then I went a different way than I usually go back to to the office and saw the coolest lobby. It was sooo cool that I had to take a picture of it. Then the owner came out of her door, because she heard the bell jingle, but then I never came in, and saw me taking pictures and enthusing about how much I loved it. She was so happy. She'd just finished setting it all up, she let me take her picture, she let me inside to take more pictures, she is thrilled that I'm going to put them on my Instagram account. 

It is a very bad day for America...but hey, I made people happy, and they made me happy. Eat, drink, and figure out what country will take you in. 

As for what I blipped, I have it tagged for the Tiny Tuesday challenge AND the weed flower challenge, which gives a hint. I was surprised to see my beloved little wildflowers on my deck looking so different, but decided it looked structural and interesting. 

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