
By vsohn

This place is not for...

I was going to write about a video my friend showed me today. It was about how someone can read RFID info for example from a passport from distance and then copy your passport. And point was going to be how lots of new technical inventions meant to improve our lives or make it safer are actually making it worse, but I leave that subject for another time. I don't really have that strong opinion or knowledge about RFID passports so I write about something else.

We went to see a film with Anna, a Sam Mendes film - Revolutionary Road. We loved it. I just wanted to say that Sam Mendes has a great meaning in his films (or purpose in life) and that is to shake people to realize if they are wasting their life or do they try to reach what they have wanted. I'm always been afraid of just letting my dreams go and give up the deeper meaning of my life. Again I have to say that I'm so happy to change the workplace and I honestly believe that can achieve those dreams with my next job or at least I'm heading for the right direction.

Finally about the blip, we were walking home after the film and I stopped to stare this sign. Does this mean that I shouldn't pass this sign by walking or what? I'm quite used to be able to walk wherever; I even think that cities are for people and not for cars. Anyway I guess this sign tries to inform that the area behind me is reserved only for pedestrians, but hey, this is not the way to inform me that it ends here!

Thank you all for commenting my yesterday's blip, I really appreciate all your comments.

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