Plan B.

And another extra bites the dust.
After my, nothing special, recent Solway Sunset; I thought I'd nip up to Hartside top and try there.
I was aware, of course, that there had been a fire there - BUT -
According to one of the "Route-finders" it's a 10 min journey from Alston to the cafe. That's after the lads have assembled and wound their way down through Alston, since they are about as far away from the cafe as possible and still be in Alston. 
So, we'll give them 4-5 mins to turn out, a 10 min drive and presuming there was anyone there to raise the alarm.
Question 1. Will it be replaced.
Qn. 2 When?
Qn. 3 Where will the Bikers go during the interim? Hawes??

The extra was shot milliseconds after the sun had dipped below the horizon; but I'm guessing, of those I shot, this would be Alice's choice.

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