La vida de Annie

By Annie


Yorkshire pronunciation scoahn, not the Scouse sconn.
One of a batch made by the lovely baker Dave and brought to today's Confidence Building course at Neurosupport. The class are beginning to bond now and talking and interacting is much more relaxed than when it started 4 weeks ago. I've never been confident so it's probably unrealistic to expect much change at my advanced age, but meeting others with invisible but significant problems is always valuable - we all know the score and can be ourselves without fear of being thought stupid, which is really liberating when you spend a massive amount of time and effort every day trying not to mess up or attract critical attention. We're all just as worthy of respect as we were before, even if the people we are now face a variety of challenges. In some ways we're better, because without exception every person I've met in this place has had much more empathy and understanding than "regular" people.

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