Dentelles & the wine villages

I had a closer encounter with a grapevine than I would have liked today but I managed to stay upright. We'll brush over that!

We took a delightful road out to Malaucène and then up to Suzette and the Dentelles rock formations. This was the most striking part of the ride and, as usual, the more effort you put in, the more worthwhile it is. 

We then meandered on a gentle ride through many vineyards and picturesque wine villages, stopping for lunch at Sablet before heading home. The wind was a bit brisk so I tucked in behind for most of the ride home.  I seem to have pulled or maybe torn a bit of muscle near the top of my quads which makes a great excuse for less effort!  It's bruised but I'm not sure if it's because I've given it a hefty massage or because there's some tissue damage.

One more day to go and we've chosen the ride that's shorter and less hilly and it seems if I pull my stomach muscles right in, I can take the pressure off and not injure it further. 

Fingers crossed.

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