Another 'bath' blip

November is a bit of a boring month. There's not much happening and it's dark by early evening, so on a Thursday I like to go out for my afternoon walk as soon as Ann gets home from work just after 3pm. If I don't go out straight away we end up just pounding the streets for an hour or so .......................... and I like to have a good run about off my lead in the afternoons.

Anyway today we wandered through the fields and I noticed that the farmer had provided an old bath so that the horses could have a drink. 'Whoopeee dooo', I thought and I jumped straight in expecting to have a good old wallow.

.....................But there was no water there; just a load of sludge at the bottom ...................... so that wasn't very exciting.

PS - Fellow St Ives Blipper, 'TimR from Snaps that came out well', is in the finals of the 'RNLI photography competition'. You must vote for him because:
1) His photo is definitely the best, as are all his blips.
2) The RNLI saves hundreds of lives every year and any volunteer who gives up their time for this organisation deserves all the votes they can get.
3) BLIP is a lovely community of people and as Blippers we need to support each other.
PPS - Tim's is the only B&W image of the lifeboat in the dark.

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