Travel Tales and The Yellow Card saga

Tiny Reporting.

Well we left the apartment at 6.45 pm and right on time this nice taxi bloke who we will call “A” which is the first letter of his Bangladesh name picked us up. I always ride with The Boss and never in the boot (trunk) so I was surprised when early into the ride he starts sorta singing and The Boss commented which then encouraged him to turn his stereo on and the cab was filled with lovely bouncy Bangladeshy music sung by a lady with a great voice.  He told us that she had first sang that song 60 years ago and we rolled down the nearly deserted Wellington streets with the lady and “A” serenading us along. It was a truly outstanding cab ride. Thank you “A”  You and your lovely lady made our morning. 

BUT…..The yellow card bit was to follow.

So The Boss checked in and wheeled The BOSSESS suitcase and stood it on the conveyer thingie as instructed by the nice Air NZ lady and it shot off down the belt…wobbled a bit…and fell over revealing a yellow stickie note right in the middle on it’s side. It was way too far gone to read anything on it.
So…In the lounge after having raisin toast (The Boss’s fav) He rings The Bossess to inquire if she kno’s anything about this sticker and she tells him that it wasn’t her but Pierson. Pierson is a LSD (Large Stuffed Dog) who monitors earthquakes at our apartment by falling off the back of the sofa. He is very skilled at this but not at writing yellow notes or sticking them on the sides of suitcases but The Boss polite as always asks The Bossess what Pierson had written as he was worried about it’s public suitability, and was informed that it was a check list for The Boss, who apparently was not to be trusted to remember to turn the lights out and other stuff off etc. 
OK OK OK this was based on a small matter some time ago that should have been forgotten by now anyway..
THEN The Boss informed her of the note’s current status and has been laughing ever since…..

Pawscript…As careful as baggage folk are the sticky was gone by Queenstown. It may appear in the next issue of the Baggage Handlers Newsletter. Stay alert…..

The main image is a 5.5 sec exposure on an iPhone X 
and the Extra is the singing cabbie “A”.  Wanaka was “0 c” when we arrived but the sun did come out.


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