Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Good times, smelly times

Low key celebration for a pretty massive moment for Dave and I in the old life milestone stakes.

But enough about that, let me digress to the next morning....when I came across a car that had ploughed into a big pile of manure just south of meldrum. Obviously I hope no one got hurt but man it was so funny to see. The whole bonnet and right over the roof was submerged in Grade A Country Poo and a "police aware" sticker on the boot. Tess and I were laughing hysterically all the way to work and school. Again, hopefully no-one badly hurt, or taken ill at the wheel or speeding, but it was 100% Royston Vasey comedy gold. Usually these roadside accident police aware cars hang around for weeks, sadly this one was lifted before the commute home. Comedy gold is, quite rightly, fleeting. And a bit smelly.

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