An Apple a Day......

An apple a Day keeps the Doctor away! Is that really true? The original quote was a proverb “Eat an apple upon going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” There definitely are health benefits to eating an apple. They are readily available, they are low in Calories and high in fiber. They also act as a toothbrush, cleaning teeth and killing bacteria. An apple a day can help reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, and high blood pressure. But does it really keeps the doctor away. I think if you have a choice between eating a doughnut and Apple, that the best and most healthy choice would be an apple. My husband and I had a choice of eating high calorie snack foods when the golf cart lady came around with her snacks or we could munch on the apples that were located in barrels at several of the holes. I was grateful that the Slammer and Squire golf course that we played on today gave us a healthy choice to keep the doctor away.

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