Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


After meeting up with friends of old times at the weddingparty of yestereve that lasted till the early hours of today, we met up with my ex-SIL and actually we call one another by our names or as SIL the ex we forget (not her brother tho'... he and I are totally EX).

Enjoying our company and talks and time together on a lazy Sunday after yesterday's Big Fat Weddingparty.

And it's the First of a New Month... KALO MINA 2U !
And thank you all for all your kind reactions upon my Blipmilestone the other day, well the other week it was, but I'd entered the pix the other day, so it's like I just reachted that milestone ~  didn'nt manage yet to reply to all who sent me congrats and stars and hearts.... A Big Thank You I place here for all who I haven't thanked yet... will do so in coming days

Backblip yesterday

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