Last full day in Prades

Our last full day at the house in Prades, and looking out of the window at the back of the house we were presented  with this sight of a squadron of swifts in tight formation wheeling around behind the house.  The noise was deafening (extra blip)!

Then off to Elne to the Musee Terrus to try and find out more about the scandal that has hit the town with the discovery that many of the paintings they had attributed to Terrus have been identified as forgeries.  Very sad.  There was an interesting showing of pastel paintings by Michel Brigand - - and we have a very pleasant lunch in a courtyard under the  shade of a plane tree (See extra blip).

Then back to Prades for the start of the three day fete de la Saint Pierre.   

We will miss the last two days but dived into the celebrations on Day 1 - despite some early thunderstorms.  One of the bands had a guitarist that looked very like the Big Yin.  What do you think?

Lots of games and roundabouts for the youth as well, including this rather wonderful game of a rotating bar that required you to jump up to miss it and then land back on your pedestal.  This young lady was very impressive and went on to win her round.

And all the while Canigou looks on as it has for thousands of years.  We will be back soon.

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