View from the pod

A hugely busy and active day actually. I spring from my bed just after nine, inspired by Clare’s talk of swimming a mile. We had calculated this to be 64 lengths. Up to 32 lengths the monkey in my head was telling me that 32 lengths would be fine and a great achievement. Then I thought I might as well do 40 at which point some adrenaline crazy kicked in and everything was exhilarating right up to about the 59 length point when the water apparently turned into treacle. But, the full 64 lengths done, thankfully Clare turned up just as I got out as I was wondering what I should do next and escorted me to a seat of comfort. It was good though, apologies for all the details but my tiny brain wants to remember all this as I think I am going to do this more often.

Then a good period of wafting, a fine big lunch, I sat in the tree pod then went and had a facial where I may have had a tiny snore at one point. Then I had a visitor, the lovely nina ex colleague lives just down the road and popped by for a visit. I haven’t seen her for a year, it was v lovely to catch up.

Then obvs, a big dinner and straight to bed. Am exhausted.

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