Kendall is here

By kendallishere

A critical mass

We live in heartbreaking times. In Portland on Saturday we had a morning rally for immigrants and against the heinous policies of the US federal government, and 5000 people showed up. Later in the day, 150 Alt Right thugs protected by police in riot gear tangled with several hundred Antifa, and that made all the newspapers. I am encouraged that 5000 people are angry about these unspeakably evil practices. I am encouraged that Antifa appears to be growing both in numbers and in effectiveness. I'm encouraged that the OccupyICEPDX camp is still operating. These are different groups of people, with different communication styles and different beliefs. They dress differently, listen to different music, and fight fascism differently. However we all say no! to ripping children from their parents, denying children due process of law, and shipping children off to indefinite detention, at a cost of $775 a night per child. This is a racket founded in greed, hatred, and delusion. We need all the people to rise up and say no.

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