Chilled Out Ruby!

This was Ruby this morning, not taken by me I have to admit but by her Mummy, our daughter Johanna.
She is continuing to do well, gained a little weight so from birth weight of 2lb 10oz she is now 3lb 2oz and another weigh in tomorrow.
She is still getting oxygen from time to time, doctor says that even now, 3 weeks old tomorrow, her lungs should not be working well yet and certainly wouldn't be if she was where she should be!
Gorgeous though and I think she's a miracle everytime I see her. We did visit this afternoon.

Hendrix is 9 months old today and is also progressing well, weight is bloody heavy and he's taking to climbing! See extra.
Don't know how he is at getting back down but there's usually a stair gate at the top and bottom.

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