Gwymon Gwyrdd

Roedd dydd Mawrth diwrnod hyfryd arall. Ar ôl brecwast aethon ni i un o'r traethau ffefryn - Barafundle. Gyrron ni i Gei Ystangbwll a gwnaethon ni cherdded i Barafundle. Mae hi'n tua milltir. Roedd y tywydd yn boeth iawn a cherddon ni dros y tywod poeth i'r cysgod ar ben y traeth. Eisteddon ni am dipyn. Mae Barafundle yn hyfryd iawn ac roedd llawer o bobol wedi cerdded i lawr i fwynhau'r tywod a'r tywydd. Roeddwn i'n hudo gan y gwymon ar fin y môr. Roedd e'n wyrdd llachar iawn.

Ar ôl awr neu dau penderfynon ni cherdded yn ôl i'r Cei i gael pryd o fwyd ar y bwyty Tŷ Cychod. Ces i 'Welsh Rarebit' blasus iawn. Mae'r staff yn y Tŷ Cychod yn wastad hapus hyd yn oed pan mae'r lle yn brysur iawn ac maen nhw'n creu awyrgylch da iawn. Rydw i'n meddwl bod pawb yn mwynhau eu hymweld i'r Tŷ Cychod.

Nesa gyrron ni i Gwrt Ystangbwll. Dydw i ddim yn siŵr os rydw'i erioed wedi bod yna o'r blaen. Mae'n rhan o'r hen ystâd Ystangbwll nawr yn rhedeg gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Genedlaethol.

Mae'n eithaf trist i weld gweddillion o'r lle. Cafodd y prif dŷ ei dymchwelwyd yn 1963. Byddwn i wedi hoffi gweld y tŷ mawr a'r ffordd roedd y bobol gyfoethog yn arfer byw. O leiaf rydyn ni'n gallu mwynhau'r lle, y coetir a'r pyllau lili.

Wedyn gyrron ni i Broadhaven South i fynd yn y môr yna. Roedden ni'n dymuno ein bod wedi dod â'n gwisgoedd gwlyb oherwydd y roedd y dŵr yn oer iawn. Doeddwn i ddim yn aros yn y dŵr am amser hir. Roeddwn i'n teimlo'n oer ac roeddwn i angen cawod boeth pan roedden ni cyrraedd yn ôl i'r gwersyll.

Cawson ni salad am ginio ac roedden ni gwylio'r machlud haul tan roedd e'n rhy oer i aros y tu allan i'r babell. Roedd diwrnod arall pan wnaethon ni yn fwy na roedden ni wedi disgwyl. Roedden ni wedi blino ar ddiwedd y dydd.

It was another wonderful day on Tuesday. After breakfast we went to one of the favorite beaches - Barafundle. We drove to Stackpole Quay and we walked to Barafundle. It's about a mile. The weather was very hot and we walked over the hot sand into the shade at the top of the beach. We sat for a while. Barafundle is very lovely and many people had walked down to enjoy the sand and the weather. I was fascinated by the seaweed at the edge of the sea. It was very bright green.

After an hour or two we decided to walk back to Quay for a meal at the Boat House restaurant. I had a very tasty Welsh Rarebit. The Boat House staff are always happy even when the place is very busy and they create a very good atmosphere. I think everyone enjoys their visit to the Boat House.

Later we drove to Stackpole Court. I'm not sure if I've never been there before. It is part of the old Stackpole estate now run by the National Trust.

It is quite sad to see remains from the place. The main house was demolished in 1963. I would have liked to see the big house and the way the rich people used to live. At least we can enjoy the place, the woodland and the lily ponds.

We then went to Broadhaven South to go in the sea there. We wished we had brought our wet suits because the water was very cold. I did not stay in the water for a long time. I felt cold and I needed a hot shower when we got back to the camp.

We had a salad for dinner and we watched the sunset until it was too cool to stay outside the tent. It was another day when we did more than we had expected. We were tired at the end of the day.

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