a present

It feels like a birthday. I received a thank you gift from the manager and this book from the language specialist. The book is about the history of language education. The chocolates are from one of the pupils.

I have moved a lot of books today and cleaned almost half of the bookshelves. The children of the special school were having a barbecue and the children of the regular school were on an outing to the musical of group 8, in the next village. Remember that our own village community centre has been demolished. Part of the children went by foot and after their return they had to unwind. It is approximately 30 degrees and it is a long walk for children. They were having a ball and dancing to the sound of Youtube videos.
In the meantime we, the adults were cleaning up and replacing books and other learning resources.
Teachers have to clean everything themselves, you know. I have never realised that, when the boy went to primary school.

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