Tea tonight

Met Matt, Jade and Sahara for coffee this morning it was lovely. Came home and continued digging out the honeysuckle root that has got mildew. I think I've got most of it and cut runners. I've bought a climbing hydrangea for the spot but I bet the cat finds it nice tonight!!!
I've been watching this caulie and as I don't want to lose it cut it and I'm having cauliflower cheese tonight after I've helped water in the village. Ive got mange tout as well, should be tasty.
Extras: Me and Sahara, the honeysuckle roots and stem(the bits left over from yesterday when I cut most of it down) and the new plant its not in the ground yet, later this week.
Tooth out tomorrow at 8am so I'm not looking forward to that!
Hopefully when I get home the match will be nearly over !!!! 

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