
By 1YearInAddis


This seems to be a hat store for Ethiopian Orthodox priests. I'm not sure whether lay people can buy hats. I'm also not sure whether that giant one in the front is a hat at all. I will have to return and ask - inquiring minds want to know. Perhaps I can try it on.

We rounded again this morning at Yekatit12. The intern was on his own today, so I think he appreciated the input and comments. Of course our Canadian medical experience has little to do with the scene here, so we learned more than he did. The condition of most of the patients was about the same as yesterday. Some had been started on anti TB meds, so hopefully there will be some improvement soon. One patient was discharged home.

I also observed a colonoscopy, which was very similar to how it would have been in Canada. I guess a bowel is a bowel wherever you go.

PS. Didn't realize 'til now, but you can see my reflection in the glass. Oops.

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