Rainy evening

It started raining in the afternoon. The rain was in the forecasts, but they varied. We got more than any version of them had, 14 millimetres by 9 pm. After that there was a break in the rain, but it started again in the night.

I took this 22:15 pm. I haven't seen this many gulls around in a few weeks.

The achievement of the day was the overdue gearbox/hydraulics oil change of the biggest tractor. It takes a while as there are three plugs and four filters, and it's best done in warm(ish) weather, but in the beginning of the summer there are not many free moments. Should have done it in the colder season, even though it's not optimal. But it's done now, with the exception of one stuck filter. That needs professional help. It's not the first time.

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