Dwr isel

Mae'r tywydd braf wedi dod â phroblem - sychder. Wel bron sychder. Mae'r lefel dwr yn y Taf yn isel iawn - mae'n bron a phosib i gerdded dros yr afon ar y cerrig. Mae'r rhagweld yn dweud y byddwn ni cael dwy wythnos mwy o'r tywydd sych. Mae'r coed wedi dechrau colli ei dail. Dwedodd ffrind wrtha i mae'n digwydd oherwydd bod y goeden angen cadw dwr, ac mae llai o dail, mae llai o drawsyriad. Mae'n addasiad rhyfeddol - ond rydw i'n mynd i obaith am law.

The fine weather has brought a problem - drought. Well almost drought. The water level in the Taff is very low - it is almost possible to walk over the river on the stones. The forecast says we will have two more weeks of dry weather. The trees have started to lose their leaves. A friend told me it happens because the tree needs to conserve water, and the fewer leaves, the less transpiration. It's a remarkable adaptation - but I'm going to hope for rain.

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