A MIMent In Time

By justmim

Early in the morning...

just as day is dawning...


Well, Thursday! Alcohol brief interventions training at uni - long day but worthwhile. Quick bit of attempting to do some reading but by this point my brain had reached maximum capacity.

So a catch-up chat with Veronica was not only long-overdue but much needed! And a wonderful chat it was, too :) Very refreshing and very fun :)

A quick pop over to say a brief hello to Laura K then off for some time-filling at the computers with Veronica, Kirsty and Neill...to later be joined by Fee :) Hellos and how are yous and it's been too longs with Laurie, Cam and Mairi nicely topped it all off and away to CU we went.

Shattered by the end of the day...but content :)

So good to be back! :)

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