Brunch for the Big Blue

I went to the seashore at about 9:30 a.m. A couple of egrets, some sandpipers, and a blue heron. Also...a couple of guys throwing thier nets in to get some baitfish.

I was already in my car to leave when I saw a 2nd blue heron at the shoreline. He was tossing something around. I hurried back.

I couldn't believe the size of the fish, and the fish was still kicking. If I would have had anybody to bet with...I would have bet 100 bucks that he couldn't swallow it. Good thing the guy in the red Speedo didn't come to have a look.

An egret came squawking in. The heron got a little more serious...lifting it to his mouth. I swear he said..."Down the hatch...with my catch" as he took the big gulp.

2 things I thought about. 1. The poor fish going down that long tunnel of a throat. Not a great way to go. No air. 2. What a digestive system...with the ability to break down that entire fish. Gives me a tummy ache just thinking about it.

I put 13 other pictures on my Flickr page. My rental van, some more snowy egrets, and a high flying vulture. Plus...the old adage...An osprey a day keeps the doctor away. Is that how it goes?

Slap him into LARGE...if you think you can stomach it.

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