Foxglove all alone!

I'm leaving this plot fallow until the Spring because it is invested with Couch Grass (Elymus repens) root, and will need digging over several times until then to fully remove the elusive root which travels underground and deeply so!  I did leave this Foxglove because it is white and I want it to encourage it to produce seeds that I could collect and sow.  I'd love a patch of simply white Foxgloves.  The new HomeBargains across from Lidls opened for the first time this morning. I'd never been in a HomeBargains before so I thought I ought to pay it a visit.  The hole world must've had the same thought.  It was a nightmare, and long queues at all the cashdesks!  I left empty handed!  Then I went into B&Q in Arbroath hunting for a cordless lawnmower  -  they only had ONE cordless, all the rest were petrol or with cords.  I left empty handed again☺ BTW, I think my Foxglove looks a little silly  -  all its blooms have fallen except these two that are hanging on in there instead of following their mates!  So, admirer, here is my contribution for today's Silly Saturday☺

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