CannyScot's Day

By CannyScot

Beautiful River Tay

Another glorious day

My wife is involved with the charity STAR (Siblings Together and Reunited). It is based across in North Fife, very near the banks of the River Tay. They had arranged a Team building get together and I was invited to join them. In fact, I had been involved because of my work with the Children’s Hearing System and had actually introduced Eleanor to the Charity. We heard an update of the expanding opportunities for this pioneering work. If you would like to read a little more about the work of STAR see here:

The view of the Tay is from the entrance to the grounds of STAR and shows the north bank of the river and the Sidlaw Hills beyond. We are so fortunate to live in this beautiful part of Scotland.

When we got home I watched England win and progress to the World Cup Semi-Finals.

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