Misty woodland...

...painted in acrylics, from a 10 minute You Tube video by Ryan O’Rourke.

It took me about half an hour. I couldn’t get the mist quite right.

Popeye (cat) is mad as a March Hare today. I had all the doors open first thing to get cold air in the stifling hot bungalow. Popeye started running through all the rooms, then to outside and back in again at the speed of light.

Then he came into the kitchen door still at the speed of light and stood on a piece of A4 paper I had accidentally dropped on the floor earlier. Suddenly he was skating from one end of the kitchen to the other. He stopped just short of crashing into the kitchen cupboard. His face turned and looked at me in astonishment. That was fun he seemed to say...

Suddenly he shot through the bungalow and then outside round the bungalow and shot back in through the kitchen door, but he didn’t skid this time because the paper wasn’t on the kitchen floor. He stopped and looked at me disappointed. As though it was my fault. Then he cleaned his face and walked sedately off with his tail in the air....

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