St Marys flower festival and craft fair

Very hot again today.  We went up to the Church to the Flower festival this years theme was "A journey" there were so many to choose from to use as today's blip but I though that Ash Tree Primary School's was really good it was The Stick Man (for those who don't know The stick man is a children's story about a anthropomorphic wooden stick who becomes separated from his family home and his Odyssey-like adventure to return there. He is eventually reunited with his family in the "family tree" as a result of his interaction with Father Christmas.) it had all the aspects of the story which goes through the seasons.  

There was also The journey into marriage, A balloon journey, A train journey, the Tour de Yorkshire, and many others, I also liked the local funeral directors contribution which was Over the Rainbow bridge (again for those who don't know that's where our pets go on their last journey)

There was a lack of plants though on the plant stall and we were pretty early, I actually came away with nothing and that's not like me I usually buy least couple of pot plants. There was a nice display by the local Art Group I used to go to, and plenty of stalls in the hall too.

Then home to watch the footie in the afternoon, well I didn't watch it all only a bit I pottered in the garden, but I knew when a goal had been scored by the cheering from the local pub and it's quite a walk away.

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