
By Madchickenwoman


Major watering session and fruit picking on the allotment! Picked a kilo of blackcurrants and the same looking amount in dessert gooseberries, blueberries and raspberries and still loads more left on the bushes to pick! By this time it was midday and too hot to stay so headed home after picking some lettuce and spinach to have in an egg sandwich with 2 fresh eggs! Afternoon spent topping and tailing the gooseberries to be frozen and potting on some scabious and moving the pots around to give a pleasing display of flowers! Plus watering of the pots and second repair of the magic hosepipe that swells in it's cloth protector! I got a cooling shower when it burst! Then back to the allotment for round 2 of watering up there!  I even watered one of the raspberry beds which I'd forgotten was an early summer cropper! At least all my plants are doing well - my sister in Bristol has lost many of hers due to the heat and lack of rain, plus she fell at school the other week and twisted her ankle so has been unable to do much watering since! Thank heavens my hip seems to have eased and I'm not similarly afflicted! 

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