hope - and a shameless plug

We played a concert last night and also on the line-up were a young couple called Hope in High Water.

They are simply stunning.  So good that I could not resist giving them a plug.  Because they give me hope for the future of music.  In a world where TV talent shows seem to turn out factory-made look-a-likes, it’s refreshing to see something so different and so original in people so young.

They write their own songs and we cannot fathom out how they’ve managed to accumulate in their short time on this planet, the whole range of human experiences and emotions - something that would take other writers a lifetime to achieve:  “They should be in their 60s” says Anniemay.

Their style harks back to American ‘mountain’ music.  Of course, it won’t be to everyones’ taste - and that’s fair enough.  But like the young classical players that Picturemull has been blipping over the past week - I find it heartening to see and hear young people making music that has its roots in earlier times.

You can see and here them here.  And here on Anniemay's blip.

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