July 2nd

Fourteen years ago, after a worrying pregnancy, Abi was delivered to us safely by the amazing NHS who have continued to take good care of her ever since (and happily without the need for any major interventions for the last few years). 

She was such a shy little thing when she was small that I don't think me and her mum ever noticed her changing. I clearly remember going to a parents' evening at school when she was maybe six or seven, and the teacher opening her comments with "Well, Abi is, of course, the class comedian" and we looked completely dumbfounded. 

But she is funny and sharp and determined. This last year or so, she has taught herself Afrikaans, so she can talk to her grandmother in her native tongue, and has also focussed increasingly on geography; the depth and scope of her knowledge is amazing. (And, in acknowledging this, I think the Minx won at birthday presents by giving Abi membership to the Royal Geographical Society.)

This evening the Minx and miniMinx came up to join in birthday celebrations. I came home early from work to make a cake while Milly did a great job decorating the house with balloons, including the happy birthday one you can just make out in the photo. It was lovely being able to sit out on the deck and enjoy one another company and to celebrate this wonderful young woman. 

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Reading: David McCourt's 'Total Rethink: Why entrepreneurs should act like revolutionaries'.

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