Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I woke up tonight from the sound of a speeding cars and that thumping sound that flows from cars with music on not so normal volume... One thumping sound car speeding along in hot pursuit by another car with blue lights on. The police didn't have the sirens on until they passed the houses with a distance, then I heard them. I had a difficult time going back to sleep and was so tired this morning that I had to rearrange my day. My plans for the gym was cancelled and I went out for a walk in the woods this afternoon instead. For the first time I listened to a podcast while walking. It was really nice!
Just now I remembered the nights event and looked in the paper... Well, at least the police caught the two 16 year old driving under the influence of drugs... The limit for having a driving license in Sweden is 18 years, so... Hopefully they get of the streets for a little while at least.

Anyone seen the series 'Call the midwife'? I just started looking - season 6 - and it's so lovely! I'm sorry I didn't start to watch earlier. 

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