
By atoll


The supercomputer Deep Thought in Douglas Adams' The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy finally comes up with it's "answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything" after 7.5 million years, as being the number 42.

Mmm, I would disagree in that it has taken me only 20 years to come up with the counter argument, that it is actually 73 - the number of our house.

But let me explain my thesis: At the heart of every Black Hole I an told, is a singularity of zero size and such infinite density and gravitational pull, that nothing, not even light, can escape from it's clutches.

My back garden is one such phenomenon, as come autumn time, every single leaf (and no matter what species, tree location or prevailing wind direction) ends up here for me to then have to rake up repeatedly.

I found this rather tiny but lovely russet leaf this morning and wondered of this may be the singularity causing my problem.

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