drying up

We have had almost a month without rain - unique in N Ireland terms.
The need for water can now be seen around us - in the flora, wild and cultivated, in the farms, in the demand for bottled water. We take this simple commodity for granted. We are an island surrounded by water and this seems to create in us an approach to water which is profligate.
It is, indeed, a sad thing to see plants and flowers die. But at least we have enough to sustain our lives, unlike many countries in the world.
In Judean Christian writing, faith is often expressed in terms of water, something necessary to sustain and develop life. We read of the water of life, living water, everflowing streams. What a picture of abundance.
So today, maybe you can act as a source of hope, a water source as it were,  to someone who feels dried out. That type of "watering" is permissible,  indeed I would argue, necessary!

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