Potty Esper And The Order Of The Phoenix

Today's reading is from the Book Of Tezuka, Chapter 21, Verses 12-18

v.12 - And as Esper did sleep that night, the Lord God Tezuka did visit him in a dream. And the Lord God Tezuka did speak thusly.
v.13 - "Verily, upon thy waking on the morrow, the sun shall scorch the Earth. And the temperature shall be 32 degrees, none more. none less."
v.14  - "Upon thy waking, thou shalt leave the place of thy dwelling and run to mine temple, which is built upon the banks of the Muko River. And the distance unto there shall be 16 kilometers, none more, none less."
v.15 - The Lord God Tezuka spoke on. "If thou shalt do this thing, thou shalt be admitted into mine inner sanctum, known thusly as The Order Of The Phoenix."
v.16 - And verily, Esper did go upon the morrow and ran unto the temple of the Lord God Tezuka, and thereupon was bestowed the title of Grand Moff Esper.
v.17 - Thenceforth, the Grand Moff Esper did say, "Stuff that for a game of soldiers," and did take the Hankyu train back to Imazu.
v.18 - And the train was good.

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