A Collector of Oddities

By MinBannister

Mikkeli - Day 9

Well, this morning was an adventure! Since I am backblipping, we now come to how I ended up like this. My husband complained of chest pain and said it had been going on all night. He had had heartburn before and said it wasn't that. Luckily, there was a hospital very close by, so close we walked there. All the signs were in Finnish but we managed to figure it out. We hadn't thought to bring his passport so I went back for it. This took about 15 minutes. By the time I got back to the hospital, he had been taken in, given blood tests (very nearly an armful) and had a cannula put in his hand! Testing was ongoing so I got out of the way for a bit and came back in a couple of hours. I was able to go straight in and see him. So far they had not found anything to suggest it was a heart problem but still needed more tests. I went off to enjoy myself for the rest of the afternoon wait quietly in the hotel. Somehow I ended up with lots of photos of the Urpola nature centre?! There is a nice little museum with stuffed wild animals an aquarium with local fish and photos of Finnish domestic animals. I then went round the little nature trail which was very pleasant although still had a few mosquitos.

The extras include a cool plant, Järvikorte which is some sort of horsetail and a Salakka fish ("Bleak" apparently though that doesn't mean anything to me).

I also saw Kuha fish and a mole (deceased).

My husband had texted me to say he had been taken in the the coronary care unit and I went back to visit him. The nurse who was looking after him, Larri, was lovely. All of the staff we spoke to were lovely but he was especially lovely! Happily everything that had been done so far looked good and there wasn't anything obviously wrong with his heart but he needed to stay in overnight to recover from the tests he had done so far and to possibly get a further scan the next day.

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