Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

In her favourite sofa shop

On some of her favourite sofas and chairs.
Claire doesn't often ask to go somewhere, so when she asked to go to Bath today I reluctantly agreed to go. I checked the Rugby fixtures and Bath were playing at home = fat chance of getting parked.

And so it came to pass that my prediction was true.

After an hour faffing/queuing around the town centre car parks, I gave up and sat naved the park and ride and headed there.

Still not easy getting a space, but we did. A lesson learned..head straight for Park and Ride next time.

We had a quick bite to eat in Claire's favourite cafe, same seat naturally and same food.

And then the moment if dread... Clothes shopping for Claire. And it's here that the needle flies off the stress-o-meter.

In the same shop, to look for the same clothes that she wears except the clothes she wears are children sizes and now she needed to go into women sizes.

Hot shop, crowded, overstuffed with sports gear, unhelpful and rarely spotted staff, a tiny changing room on a different sales floor, anxious child and did I mention a stressed mum.

EVER so glad to get out of there and with purchases too.

The reward was a trip to the sofa shop. Haven't had to explain our circumstances to the sales assistants yet....just keep them guessing why we're there.

Is that a bottle of cider I hear calling me?

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