Mr John

By MrJohn

Burning .....

..... bushes.

This evening when I finished work at 5:30 pm the sky was clear and dark and full of stars. In the half hour it took me to get home pick up my camera and walk up to the tarn the sky had clouded over and there were a few spots of rain. I had to change my planned photo of a view over Ilkley with a starry sky and instead decided to use the cloud and orange glow from Keighley over the moor.

In other news I have taken on a bit more work and my ten day work stint without a day off is now going to be a seventeen day stint ( 8 days in to it so far ). I'm looking forward to a day doing nothing on Tuesday 20th :)

Thank you all once again for your support in my fundraising for Movember. If you'd like to make a donation or keep up to date with my tache growing progress follow the link here.

As the sky decided to cloud over this evening and Keighley has a lot of street lights, today's blip is .....

..... Burning bushes.

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