
By nicky


I went with my textile group to see a willow installation by Laura Ellen Bacon in a gallery at the Winchester Discovery Centre (aka the Central Library). On entering the gallery, the first thing I noticed was the smell - of willow I presume. The artist had constructed three huge willow structures which she had built in situ as they were too big to get into the building otherwise - I guess they'll have to be dismantled when the show is over, which seems a shame. They were big enough to walk into, and sitting inside one, I felt a bit like a dormouse snuggled in the middle of its nest. Very cosy!

The group doesn't get together very often these days. We used to exhibit fairly regularly, but we are having a year or two off as life seemed to have got too busy. However, I think we are all starting to miss doing something creative, and so we are arranging a workshop early next year to get us going again, and we have an idea for a new project that we can think about working on. I'm actually quite looking forward to it.

By the way, I have no idea who these women are - maybe my group had wandered off by then!

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