
By AndieAllie

Lots of liquids and sleep

I woke up a few times asking mum what day and time it was. I thought it was Saturday morning, so I asked for some breakfast, but it turns out it was still Friday night. Haha.

Mum was getting worried that I was so confused, but it turns out it's just another side effect of the antibiotics I'm on. Plus, when you've slept for 2 days straight, you're bound to be confused about the date - among other things.

I've stayed in bed for about 2 days, only getting up to go to the bathroom and get my insulin and other meds. I don't have an appetite at all, but mum has to force me to at least have some toast to be able to take my antibiotic. It sucks having to eat when you're not hungry. This generally isn't an issue for me, since I usually have quite the appetite. But alas, I can only stomach about two slices. *sigh*

So here's my blip that represents the day - me sipping some ginger ale while in my jammies. I've gone through a lot of liquids today, that's for sure. Even more than usual.

Hopefully with all this R&R, I'll get better soon.


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