Hillview Photography

By Nikki23Kerr

My garden on Rememberance Sunday

Today I woke early and on looking out of my front windows there was just a gorgeous sunrise and I thought perfect for today, such an important day on the calendar. I say important not because it is my 200th blip but more importantly Rememberance Sunday.

I took loads of photos of the sunrise and one or two of the back of my garden. Most dissappointed when on uploading them they were absolute rubbish!!!! So you have no sunrise for today but you do have my garden. You can see the sun shining on the trees if you look hard enough. If you look in large the colours really show.

Although I do like all the colours of the trees even though my Mum would say they are dying, she hates Autumn. This morning is quite frosty out.

I would like to thank those of you who have stuck with me on blip, I know I do not blip very much these days but I just do not seem to have any time but a big thanks to those who do comment when I occasionally blip.

I hope you all enjoy today whatever you are doing?

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