From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Land of Hope and Glory.....

What an amazing evening we had at Leeds Castle on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the annual summer classical concert with wonderful music played by the London Philharmonic Concert Orchestra! 

We got to the venue in good time and joined friends who had saved space for us.....picnic chairs and bags etc. Good job they had! It was pretty full even then and Helen reckoned there were 15,000 tickets sold by Friday afternoon.

Well, it was just fantastic! Brilliant music, lots of flag waving and dressing up. Some picnicked in style at tables decorated with candelabra. And the evening ended with an amazing firework display and the firing of canons for the 1812 overture! 

Thousands of us walked back to car parks and wonderfully we found the car without too much difficulty; only one wrong path taken. It was dark by the time we left at 11pm....

Home within the hour and straight to bed. An event I have wanted to go to for a long time and this year we DID. And great to see friends again.

Posting on 15th.....

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