But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Garden Pond.

The dog sitting home that Herself is looking after sports this rather attractive pond. It has most of the usual features: the sound of water running over the shallow water fall, goldfish helping the starlings to eat all the tadpoles and dappled sunlight on the various aquatic plants. All it needs to complete the scene is a local heron picking off the fish.

I'm afraid that I can never look at a garden pond without being reminded of Wordsworth's description of a muddy puddle,
     "I've measured it from side to side:
     'Tis three feet long, and two feet wide."

I always wondered why, with my love of poetry, I never did like "Daffodils."

I've just posted the Blips for the past two days and will try and catch up with commenting.

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